14 psychological tricks that smart people use to control any situation

Psychology is about understanding the human brain. By understanding how our minds work, you have an advantage over others. You have the ability to frame everything in a way that allows you to control every situation.

These are the 14 psychological tricks that smart people use to keep things under control no matter the circumstances.

1. When someone partially answers your question, stay silent.

People tend to avoid answering questions they don’t want to answer. Next time you’re in a situation where someone does this to you, instead of repeating your question, try waiting in silence.

There is a high probability that they will feel pressured by your silence and finish answering your question. Often silence speaks louder than words.

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2. When you want something from someone, frame it as an opportunity, not a request.

People will respond differently when an opportunity is presented in a positive way that benefits them. This is called the framing effect. According to Simple Psychology, “The framing effect is a cognitive bias in which an individual’s choice from a set of options is influenced more by how the information is framed than by the information itself.”

3. When meeting people for the first time, pay attention to their eye color.

Making a habit of noting someone’s eye color when you meet them will ensure you look them in the eye, leaving a strong, confident impression.

Image: PeopleImages/Canva Pro

Eye contact with people plays a huge role in mutual respect, interest, and communication. In fact, our eyes contribute as much to our conversations as our mouths do, if not more. Direct gaze conveys social cues and emotions, as well as making a good impression, according to Psychology Today.

4. Remember people’s names and use them when talking to them.

People like to be recognized and remembered. When you address someone by name in conversation, you recognize who they are and make them feel valued.

Addressing people directly by their names helps develop a strong relationship, but be careful, as overuse can come across as inauthentic, invasive, and even intimidating.

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5. Don’t have any expectations when you try something new.

It’s easy to get excited about future possibilities and opportunities but having no expectations will serve you better in the long run.

While it is important to project positive energy for the outcome of your desires, when you avoid having high hopes or expectations, you will avoid feelings of disappointment.

6. Pay attention to how people treat others.

The way someone treats others will tell you a lot about their character. Notice the way they treat those who can’t do anything for them in return.

Treating people with kindness and respect recognizes their worth and dignity. Your behavior towards others also reflects on you, so it is important to have compassion for others and live with integrity.

7. Wait in silence after explaining your position in the negotiation.

This is another way silence can work to your advantage. Following your consistent stance with silence will leave an impact and generate strength and confidence.

Avoid over-explaining yourself or using too many words, as this may cause your position to lose value.

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8. Chewing gum while doing stressful activities.

Chewing gum has been shown to affect our brains in different ways, from increasing our memory to relieving anxiety.

When doing activities that can increase anxiety or stress, chewing gum is a habit that will calm your mind.

9. When you learn something new, teach it to others.

One of the best ways to remember new things easily is to teach them to others. This is called the protector effect.

Teaching something new you’ve learned to others allows you to explain it in simple terms that someone else can understand. Doing so will affect your ability to remember this information.

10. Ask people questions about themselves.

If there’s one thing everyone loves to talk about, it’s themselves. An easy way to spark a conversation or fill awkward silences is to ask people questions about themselves.

Doing this puts you in control of the conversation and allows you to get to know someone beyond the surface.

11. Force yourself to smile when you don’t want to.

It has been scientifically proven that your emotional expressions can affect your mood. According to Intermountain Health, smiling releases neuropeptides and neurotransmitters like endorphins, dopamine and serotonin in the brain, which helps reduce stress.

Photo: Guilherme Almeida/Pexels

It may not seem easy, but just by faking a smile, you are actually improving your mood and reducing your stress levels.

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12. Stand up straight to look and feel more confident.

Everyone falls prey to slouching and let’s be honest, it’s important to relax every now and then.

But studies show that good posture is linked to confidence and assurance, and that body language has a significant impact on your thoughts.

13. Make everything a choice when it comes to kids.

Children love to be challenged and do things their own way. This is why the psychological way to get them to do something they may not want to do is to frame it as a choice, which they believe they are in control of.

For example, instead of asking the child to clean his room, ask him if he would rather make his bed or put his toys away first. This may make the activity seem less scary, and give them the option of deciding what they want to start with.

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14. Use the word “because” when asking people for a favor.

By explaining why you need a service, it allows others to think with you. When you explain yourself, they will feel more willing to help you.

According to Harvard Business Review, “Even if the reason is illogical or unrelated to the request, people like to know why they are being asked to do something.”

By considering each of these tricks in your daily interactions, you will notice a sense of control over your life.

Dissecting the psychology behind people’s words and actions will foster a greater understanding of how to navigate the world in a way that benefits you.

You have the power to take control, but doing so requires intelligence and confidence.

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on the YourTango News and Entertainment team based in Orlando, Florida. They cover lifestyle topics, human concerns, and spirituality.

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