Elon Musk denies he has a drug problem after Bombshell report

Elon Musk Smoked weed on camera With Joe Rogan. There are many stories of the billionaire using drugs including cocaine, LSD and psychedelic mushrooms at parties all over the world. He has discussed using prescription ketamine, but there are tales that Musk took the drug recreationally with his brother in Miami. In 2017, he reportedly showed up an hour late to an all-hands meeting at SpaceX, slurring his words so much that another executive took over the presentation. Apparently the case is so bad that board members, colleagues and friends are leaking stories about his drug use to the press. However, according to Musk, it’s all lies.

“After that break with Rogan, I agreed, at NASA’s request, to conduct random drug testing for 3 years,” Musk wrote in an article. Share on X, the platform that everyone uses to connect to Twitter. “Not even trace amounts of any drugs or alcohol were found.”

This does not appear to be consistent with the article in Wall Street Journal, which details conversations with multiple sources who told reporters that Musk’s drug use is concerning and ongoing. Some are said to be concerned that it could cause the world’s richest man to suffer a “health crisis,” but his bodily functions aside, illicit drug use threatens government contracts at SpaceX and threatens an estimated $1 trillion in investor assets — not to mention thousands Dollars. People’s jobs and the American space program.

The Wall Street Journal is “not suitable for a parrot cage,” Musk wrote on X, punctuating his message with a poop emoji, a favorite of the 52-year-old.

Regardless of Musk’s denial, the stories continue to pile up. Some are said to speculate that drugs fueled some of the SpaceX CEO’s erratic and personally damaging behavior. According to the Wall Street Journal, Tesla board members expressed concern that Musk was high when he tweeted about Plans to take the company privatewhich is the choice that prompted Major fraud trial It appears to be costing shareholders tens of millions of dollars. Some told the Wall Street Journal that Tesla board members asked Kimbal Musk, the CEO’s brother, to reach out to him about the problem. Musk was reportedly on drugs when he nearly burst into tears in an interview about how difficult that year had been.

NASA It launched a $5 million investigation into Musk’s drug use after the CEO smoked pot on Joe Rogan’s podcast in 2018. Six years later, the space agency still has not said what its investigation found. Employee drug use at SpaceX would violate the terms of the company’s $14 billion government contracts.

Alex Spiro, an attorney who represents Musk and often speaks on behalf of the billionaire, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. SpaceX, Tesla and X did not immediately respond to Gizmodo’s questions. Musk did not say much about this issue. A day after the Wall Street Journal published its article about Musk’s alleged drug use, he tweeted:very funny“.

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